Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Social Games essential elements of Social Networks, Email may become next essential element

Facebook mail will beat Gmail or not is a big question. But one thing is for sure that Email is now becoming the most essential part of the social networks. Ibibo, Itimes, MySpace, Facebook offers integrated email service in their social networks already and many other are ready to do so.

Social Games have become the most essential element of Social Networks. All social networks offer social browser games or apps to keep the user at their sites for a longer period of time. Now the same trend can be seen for the email service. Some Tech Gurus say that "email is dead" but i feel that traditional email is dead and there is a requirement of some new kind of email which is a bit social.

Social is the word that is more popular than web2.0 these days. The sites which are not social are on a decline. Big internet groups like Yahoo are looking towards new entrant Facebook and Twitter to survive. Now Facebook has launched its own email service so it is very clear that email is also essential to complete the overall social structure.

Gmail is one of the most used Google product and now Facebook is targeting that market also. This trend of mail integrated with social has not been a success in the case of MySpace and Ibibo but can be a success in case of Facebook, as Facebook have equal crazy fans as Apple.

Who so ever win, Facebook Mail or Gmail, but social networks will not start integrating mail service.

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