When we go to facebook, we go out there to chat, get the updates of our friends and give them some updates about us. We want facebook as site to offer more features for doing them more easily and quickly. So its really matter through what browser i do so.
For some internet company who make the browser more personalised like MSN - Internet Explorer and Google - Chrome, might matter for there fans. While others which are open sourse like Firefox and Opera which are general for all sites, do they matter. Yahoo personalise IE and Firefox, so they now do not require to have a browser for there own. Secondary, I also have a question that technology offered by these browser, like faster speed and crash guard etc, really make a big difference as all browsers have almost same qualities with minor difference and others who don’t are improving.
Most important if browser really matter then why we change our browser but not OS which is also available with better security Linux and better multimedia access MAC. The reason is simple we are habitual and we really can’t afford a change to our habits for this minor benefits. But when it comes to browser its easy to that as they have a minor difference in feel and look so what is the need of using another browser.
When i was thinking all this i found an answer that the simple reason is “We get bored”. Its only that we need change other than that i don’t think we require to install other browser for such minor change of speed etc.
If the browser needs to stay then they are require to change and update themselves on regular basis else they will thrown out of the market by consumers who will feel boring of using same kind of browser.
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